PHANTASIE I Typed in by SEWER RAT. Edited by PARASITE. PHANTASIE I : THOLIE'S TALE Newly arrived on the island of Gelnor, an adventurer entered the remote town of Pelnor. From the deteriorating condition of the once-prosperous shops, it was clear that things were amiss - just the place where a courageous person might seek a worthy quest. The adventurer hailed a passing citizen. "Where might I find information about your town and land ?" Looking furtively over his shoulder, the man tersely replied, "Ask for Tholie at the inn," before scurrying away. Sure enough, the adventurer found the town's storyteller sitting at the back of the smoky, dimly lit common room. "Hail," greeted the adventurer, as he took a seat on the rough-hewn bench, "I've come to Gelnor to seek my fortune. Can you tell me the tales of this land ?" "Why certainly," said the old gnome. He waited for the adventurer to buy him a tankard of brew and a meat pie before commencing his tale in a soft sing-song voice. "In the beginning, there was a barren vastness, filled only with stars and light, and it was called the Astral Plane. "Within this vastness, a place was created wherin dwelt Zeus and his followers. The magical river Styx flowed 'round it all, and it was called the Olympic Plane. "Next, the earth and all things on it, living and dead, were created, and it was called the Material Pla-" "I already know the legends of how the world began!" interrupted the adventurer. A look of disgust and disbelief made its way across the youthful face. "I want to know about Gelnor and what's happening now. Are there adventures, fortunes, for the likes of me ?" "Ha!" Tholie briskly retorted. "Ever heard of the evil ones, called Black Knights? There are adventures a-plenty with them, forsooth!" The adventurers face lit up, and he leaned toward the storyteller. "Yes! Tell me about the Black Knights!" Tholie continued, "The Isle of Gelnor is divided by a chain of mountains into two regions. The west is the traditional domain of human and humanoid beings - with a few renegade orcs and lizard men - dedicated to order and goodness; the east is inhabited by more exotic creatures - dragons, trolls, and giants. These regions have been waging war throughout the history of this great land. Pelnor, the town we are now in, lies in the northwest corner..." "Black Knights! What about the Black Knights?" demanded the adventurer, interrupting once again. "Patience!" roared Tholie. His fist banged the table. "I'm getting there! "Since the Great Invasion by the evil sorceror Nikademus, the Isle of Gelnor has been terrorized by his merciless Black Knights. (The citizens of this land hold such fear and emnity for these intruders that it has even overshadowed their hatred for each other). "To maintain their reign of terror, the Black Knights travel form town to town, demanding sacrifices and homage. 'Though they travel in small bands, no Gelnorian can yet claim to have defeated one. "Any unfortunates who are espied by these evil ones must surrender all their money or die. Worst still, the Black Knights may bring the wrath of the gods upon those who oppose them. Few are willing to take the risk." "Defeating the Black Knights and destroying Nikademus is just the quest I need to win my fame and fortune," exclaimed the adventurer. "Where can I find them?" "No one knows where Nikademus can be found, but you can start with the Black Knights. You're bound to run into them if you travel in Gelnor." Jumping up, the adventurer turned to leave. "I shall gather a band of fellow seekers at the adventurer's Guild forthwith." "A few words of advice," Tholie called out. "Whatever your success, it is rumoured that new Black Knights are spawned in a fortress somewhere in Gelnor. Godspeed, and may your sword be swift and the gods be with you." GENERAL RULES The following information pertains to both Phantasie I & II,with a few small exceptions which will be noted in the relevant sections. Adventurers' Characteristics Adventurers, who can be created in the Guilds of each town, come in a variety of races and classes (professions). In addition, each adventurer has a set of attributes. Race, class and attributes combine to make each character a unique individual. Races Race refers to a character's biological species. In the worlds of PHANTASIE, adventurers can be selected from the following races :- HUMANS stand between 5.5 to 6 feet tall and tend to be equally good at most professions. DWARVES are shorter and stouter than humans. They have great strength and constitution (their brawn makes up for their lack of brain). ELVES are an attractive race, with lithe, slightly smaller-than- human bodies. They have higher-than-average dexterity and intelligence, but less strength. GNOMES are like dwarves, only shorter. While not quite as strong, they do demonstrate greater dexterity. HALFLINGS are small, like dwarves, but not as stout; they have greater mental power and less physical power. RANDOM CREATURES are generally disliked by humans, so they must pay hefty training fees. They can only be thieves or fighters. When you select 'Random Creature', your character will be chosen form one of the following : - Gnolls are very strong, tall, dog-faced humanoids covered with fuzzy yellow-brown hair. - Goblins, very dexterous and ugly creatures, stand about 4 feet tall. They have large fangs, pointed ears, and foul breath. - Kobolds are small, old, dwarvish types, about 2 feet tall with gnarled faces. They have low strength but high dexterity and constitution. - Lizard Men stand about 7 feet tall. Though humanoid, they are reptilian in appearance with scales along their bodies, a heavy tail (useful in fighting), claws and a forked tongue. They are as strong as gnomes but not as bright, and they have good swimming skills. - Minotaurs look like humans with a bull's head and tail. They have great strength. - Ogres are large (8 feet), ugly humanoids, with squashed noses and protruding jaws. They are one of the strongest, but dimmest witted, of the races. - Orcs are uglygoblin-types, and they are strong, with good constitutions. - Pixies are tiny creatures (2 feet tall), with pointed ears and transparent wings. Their dexterity and intelligence run high. - Sprites are charming, sociable, fairy-like creatures. Because of their great dexterity and lack of strength, they make better thieves than fighters. - Trolls - with their thick, green, leathery skin - are renowned for their height (7 feet), strength, clumsiness, and stupidity. Classes (Professions) Class refers to an adventurer's profession or occupation. You can choose from among six classes : FIGHTERS perform best in combat. Humans, dwarves, and random creatures make good fighters. MONKS are average in combat, but they know combat spells and have some thieving skills. Humans, elves, and hobbits do well. PRIESTS are fair in combat, but they have many defensive and healing speels. The better priests are human. RANGERS are very good in combat, and they know some priestly spells. Humans and dwarves make good rangers. THIEVES are good with traps, locks, and hidden items; but they perform poorly in combat. Their fighting skills are helped by the fact that they can hit a monster no matter where it is, due to their stealth. Hobbits, gnomes, and some of the random creatures make excellent thieves. WIZARDS are chiefly spellcasters. While poor in hand-to-hand combat, they know many offensive spells and are extremely important in encounters with monsters. Humans and elves do the job best. Individual Attributes Five attributes are generated by the program after a new adventurer's race and class have been chosen. The value of each attribute ranges from 3 to 22, and the average depends on the character's race and class. Each attribute determines a different capability : STRENGTH (STR) refers to physical strength, and it is crucial for hand-to-hand combat. Fighters need a lot of strength to wield high-level combat equipment. INTELLIGENCE (INT) is the mental prowess necessary for learning and casting spells. Wizards, priests, and monks must have a high intelligence. DEXTERITY (DEX) means physical agility in handling weapons and conjuring spells, and especially in dodging attacks from monsters. Each profession needs good dexterity, especially fighters and spell casters. CONSTITUTION (CON) refers to a character's endurance and it affects the number of hit points a character can have (see Mortality and Hit Points in the ENCOUNTERS section). CHARISMA (CHA) means having a charming personality and good looks. A character's charisma affects the price of training and spells (one further reason that many low-charisma random creatures must pay more). Interaction of Characteristics A character's race and class affect the individual attributes. The following charts show, to some degree, how these characteristics interact with each other. Attribute Modifiers by Class (i.e initial values before computer modifies them) STR INT DEX CON CHA Fighter 12 8 11 10 9 Monk 10 10 11 10 10 Priest 10 12 10 10 10 Ranger 10 11 10 10 11 Thief 8 10 12 10 9 Wizard 6 13 8 10 11 Maximum value for attributes by Race STR INT DEX CON CHA Human 18 18 18 18 18 Dwarf 20 17 17 19 17 Elf 17 19 19 17 18 Gnome 19 17 18 19 17 Halfling 16 18 20 18 17 Gnoll 20 13 17 21 11 Goblin 17 14 18 17 11 Kobold 17 15 19 19 13 Lizard Man 19 14 17 18 13 Minotaur 20 14 16 19 12 Ogre 21 14 16 19 13 Orc 19 16 17 18 14 Pixie 16 18 21 16 17 Sprite 16 18 22 16 17 Troll 22 13 15 20 12 Note : In the above section on attributes, etc., references are made to a race called hobbit.These instructions have been typed exactly as they were written, but it doesn't appear as though there is a 'hobbit' race. Instead, I think that these references should have been to the 'halfling' race which does exist, so bear that in mind whilst reading these instructions (Sewer Rat!) TOWNS : Starting (and Ending) After choosing 'START IN PELNOR' on the initial menu, you will be in Pelnor, one of the 11 towns of Gelnor. It is in these towns that you will gather a band of noble, stout-hearted adventurers to take exploring; buy equipment. training and spells; rest and refresh yourself; take care of money matters - all those concerns of daily life. Every town in Gelnor offers safety from monsters and provides the same amenities. Each Gelnorian town operates in exactly the same manner, and they are identified by their name and number. Pelnor is town #1. The town menu shows two types of commands : places to go and things to do. TOWN MENU : GO TO The top menu gives the commands that will take you to the various locations within the town walls : Armory, Guild, Mystic, Inn, Bank, and Road out of town. The first place a new game player should visit is the Guild, where you can gather together a band of adventurers (see ADVENTURERS' CHARACTERISTICS section). GUILD is where the characters are generated and then formed into parties. As many as 37 characters can be generated, but a party can have no more than 6 adventurers. GUILD MEMBERS commands are used to create new adventurers and add them to a party. Members may also be deleted from a party or renamed. OPTIONS - List all guild members in Gelnor - Purge a Guild member - Create a new guild member - Rename a guild member - Add a guild member to a party NEW MEMBERS are created one at a time, and they should be carefully chosen. You must find the optimal mix of classes and races (see ADVENTURERS' CHARACTERISTICS section). First, select the race of the new member, then choose the class. PLAYING HINT : The following roster is recommended for a first- time party : 2 Spellcasters (wizards, monks) - humans or elves 1 Healer (priest, ranger) - human or dwarf 1 Thiefy type (thief, monk) - gnome, halfling, or random creature 2 Combatants (fighters, rangers) - humans, dwarves, or random creature Once you have selected the race and class for the character, the program will assign number values to the individual attributes. If you find the attributes acceptable, you will type in the character's name. Next, the full list of statistics for the new character will be shown (see Inspect, under TOWN MENU : OTHER OPTIONS, for a full explanation). When you have finished studying the display, you may go back to the Guild Menu. PLAYING HINT : Once generated, adventurers cannot get training in combat or spellcasting, nor can they leave the Guild for other parts of town, until AFTER they have joined a party. LIST MEMBERS shows all the Guild members of Gelnor, including each character's Guild number, name, class, and current residence (Pelnor is town #1). The last three characters - FIRE, WATER and EARTH - are the elementals that spellcasters may call into combat, using the SUMMON ELEMENTAL spell. Notice that they are fighters, that they also have Guild numbers, and that they live in town #0 (not found in the Material Plane). When you have finished with the list, return to the Guild Menu. ADD MEMBERS to a party by giving the Guild number (not name - see LIST MEMBERS) of the character you want to add to the party.A party can have up to 6 adventurers. When characters join a party, a new PARTY number is assigned to each one. As long as the character is in a party, the party number will be used to answer prompts by the program. PLAYING HINT : If you plan to use the SUMMON ELEMENTAL spell during your next adventure, you should add the elementals to the party while you're still at the Guild. RENAME MEMBERS lets you give a Guild member a new name. Characters cannot be renamed while they are members of a party. PARTY MEMBERS options can only be used by characters that have been added to a party. Members may learn new spells, train for the next level, or be dropped off at the Guild. SPELLS tells you which new spells can be learned by the character and how much they will cost. The spell will be identified by its number, not its name (see MAGIC section). If there are no numbers after POSSIBLE SPELLS, then no new spells can be learned at this time. TRAINING is the most effective way for a character to go up a level. When you enter the training arena, you will be told how many experience points are required and how much the training will cost. PLAYING HINT : Characters must be carrying gold pieces (GP) to pay for learning new spells and training. With new party members, this means going to the Bank (see BANK), making a withdrawal, then returning to the Guild. DROP FROM PARTY allows you to eliminate a character from the party and send him or her back to the Guild. EXIT GUILD takes you back to the town menu. BANK has an account for each adventurer, and there are bank branches in every Gelnorian town. Money transactions can be made in any of these locations. All the gold assigned to characters when they were generated was automatically deposited in their accounts. Before buying equipment and items at the Armory or buying spellcasting lessons and training at the Guild, gold needs to be withdrawn from the bank. Characters should take enough to cover wilderness expenses, too - stays at inns, bribes, or purchases in the dungeons. Each of these costs about 250 GPs. When entering a bank, the amount of gold pieces the party is carrying will be displayed (which will be 0, if a party has just been formed).The following options will be given : - Withdraw money - Deposit money - Exit WITHDRAW GOLD PIECES allows each party member to withdraw gold from his or her account. Once withdrawn, the gold is pooled and carried by the party. Only the party's total number of GPs will be shown after withdrawals. A party can carry up to 65,000 GPs. DEPOSIT CARRIED GOLD allows you to split the party's gold among the individual members, then deposit each share into the appropriate person's account. First you will be asked how many shares each party member gets (1,2, or 3).Then the number of GPs deposited into each account is displayed. A bank account for a single character can hold a maximum of 65,000 GPs (unlimited on the ST, as is the amount a party can carry - Sewer Rat!) EXIT BANK takes you back to the Town Menu. ARMORY stocks weapons, armor, shields, scrolls, magic potions, and healing potions - depending upon what is in the inventory at any given time. The Armorer buys his inventory from adventurers who enter town and sell the treasures they found during their journeys. The items are placed in the store and resold at a slightly higher price. Armories should be checked for changes in their stock. PLAYING HINT : Rings, scrolls, and other treasures found in the Armory stay there for future visits. Combat weapons and potions, however, may appear and disappear between visits. When you enter the Armory, you will be asked who is shopping. Select the appropriate character, then list the inventory. You will see a display listing the commands and the items available for purchase. The number in the first column is the item number, to be used when you BUY ITEM; the third column shows the price; and the fourth column shows the point value of combat equipment (see TREASURES section for an explanation of what the items can do). The following actions may be taken in the Armory : - List the items currently in stock - Continue the listing or repeat the list again - Let the current shopping character buy an item - Allow another party member to shop - Take the party back to the Town Menu If you get the message, YOU CAN'T PURCHASE THAT, it means that you don't have enough money or that item has sold out, even though it's still listed (did someone just buy it?). PLAYING HINT : A character can only use one weapon, armor, and shield at a time, and they are never lost or stolen. If the character buys or finds new equipment, it should have a higher point value than the one already owned. Whatever the equipment is, make sure that the character has enough strength (STR) to use it - even the club (point value is 4) may be too strong for a weaker character (see Combat Equipment in the TREASURES section). If the equipment is too strong for the current shopper, the item will be marked UNUSABLE. MYSTIC gives an overall score for the party, so you can determine its progress in the adventure. INN is where characters can have their hit points and magic restored to their maximum limit. Inns located in towns are free, and each stay lasts about two weeks. In addition, independent inns are located throughout the Isle of Gelnor, and they cost 250 GPs (plus tax) per stay. PLAYING HINT : Characters who have cast peels during their adventures may find their maximum limit fir magic has been raised after resting at an inn. LEAVE TOWN puts you on the road outside town (see ADVENTURES section). TOWN MENU : OTHER OPTIONS Besides visiting the various merchants in a town, characters can perform certain activities shown on the lower portion of the Town Menu : - Cast a spell - Use an item that a character is carrying - Distribute and sell items (after an adventure) - Inspect the statistics of a party member - Save game INSPECT PARTY MEMBERS gives the statistics for a character in the party. You will be asked for the character you wish to inspect, and then you will see the display shown at the bottom of the previous column. The display includes the character's name, level, class, race, and health status. INDIVIDUAL ATTRIBUTES are listed in the first column, along with LUCK (a randomly assigned value from 8 to 13). These figures determine how certain tasks are performed (see ADVENTURERS' CHARACTERISTICS section for a full explanation). AGE starts affecting the characters attributes as they reach their 'declining years'. Each race has a different lifespan : elves live about 3000 years; dwarves and gnomes about 200 years; humans, about 80 years; and the others, about 40 to 50 years. HIT POINTS indicate the amount of damage a character can sustain before dying. The number after the "/" shows the total number of hit points the character has; the number before the "/" shows the current status (it will go down whenever the character gets damaged and will go back up when rested or healed). When the character's hit points reach o, he or she is dead (see Mortality nd Hit Points in the ENCOUNTERS section). MAGIC shows the number of points that can be used for spellcasting and different spells use up differing amounts of magic points (see MAGIC section). The number after the "/" shows the total allowed the character; the number before the "/" shows the number left (it will go down each time the character casts a spell and go back up when rested or after taking a MAGIC potion). GOLD IN BANK is the amount of gold the character has, which has been deposited in the bank. It does not include any of the character's gold that is currently being carried by the party. All characters start with 256 gold pieces (GP). EXPERIENCE POINTS refers to the amount of experience the character has. Experience points are earned by killing monsters, and they determine the character's level, which in turn determines maximum hit points, maximum magic points, number of spells that can be learned, etc. SCORE shows the character's general playing strength. SKILLS include attack (striking foe in combat), parry (defending yourself in combat), swimming ability, listening for monsters, spotting traps in dungeons, disarming traps, finding treasure, and picking locks. The numbers show the percentage chance of being successful in these activities - ATTACK 48 means a 48% chance of being successful in hitting (attacking) a monster. EQUIPMENT lists the weapon (club), armor (robes), and shield. The numbers after combat items show their point values - the higher the number the more effective the item. As other items are collected or bought at the armory, they will be listed here. Players can carry only 9 items at a time. SPELLS gives the spell number of those spells the character has learned. Spell 1, for example, is Healing 1 (see MAGIC section). When you have finished studying the character's statistics, hit the SPACE BAR to go back to the Town Menu. CAST SPELL can only be done with those spells allowed in town, such as transportation and heal (see MAGIC section). USE ITEM lets an adventurer use one of the items that he or she is carrying - read a scroll, take a magic or healing potion, and find the unusual properties of an item. After giving the character's number (not name), a list of his or her items will be shown. You then choose the one to be used. PLAYING HINT : Scrolls can only be used (read) in a town. DISTRIBUTE AND SELL ITEMS lets the members of the party gather up all their equipment - old items the party started out with and new items found or bought during their adventures - and distribute them to party members or sell them to the Armory. The items carried by the party will be listed, along with the characters who can use each one. Items are listed from best to worst - first magical, then non-magical. PLAYING HINT : Make sure all party members are present before you distribute and sell items. Do this before you save a game. Remember that each party member can only carry up to 9 items at a time. SAVE GAME is always accomplished in a town. Make sure you have the Guild number of the characters you are saving, because you will need to use them when you begin again (see ENCORE : Continuing Saved Games). ADVENTURES Your adventures are now beginning. You will travel across the fair Isle of Gelnor and perhaps explore a dungeon or two ... maybe more. Good luck in your quest. Messages will be displayed from time to time. The first one reads, A TOWN. ENTER? It requires a yes/no answer. For other messages that need a different respons, hit the appropriate option. For example, this message might be displayed : THIEF SPOTS A TRAP DISARM OR LEAVE? Choose DISARM or LEAVE (If you choose to disarm it, you will be asked who will do it. Respons with the appropriate character). If no response is required for a message, hit RETURN to erase it. Wilderness Travel When your party leaves town and enters the wilderness, a map of the area you are in will be displayed (see specific computer instructions at end), along with pictures of the party members and a list of command options. The area near your starting point is known to you and visible. When you travel to unknown lands, the map is blank. When you pass through, it becomes visible. Options available are as follows : - Cast a spell - Display health of each party member - Inspect the party and each member - Allow a party member to use a potion - Alter melee speed and toggle sound - Move north one square - Move south one square - Move east one square - Move west one square CAST SPELL only works for non-combat/wilderness spells and everywhere spells (see MAGIC section). HEALTH displays the hit points and magic points for each party member. INSPECT displays the party's statistics, the statistics and items carried by each party member, and any newly acquired items. USE POTION allows a character to use a magic or healing potion on himself or any other member of the party. When asked who is using the potion, select the appropriate character. Then a list of the character's potions will be displayed. Pick the potion, then select the character to receive it. TIME LAG allows you to speed up or slow down melee action. Choose a number between 0 and 9 (0 is the fastest, 9 the slowest). You will also be asked if you want sound. MAP of Gelnor is divided into 16 sections. If your party moves off the edge of the map, the next section will be displayed. CROSSING WATER, either rivers or lakes, means the party members must swim or cross a bridge. Characters with poor swimming abilities may sustain damage (thereby reducing their hit points). INNS are scattered over the Isle of Gelnor, in addition to being found in each town. These independent inns, though, cost 250 GP plus tax for a single stay of two weeks. Like the inns in town, they restore each characters magic and hit points to their maximum limits. Sometimes they increase spellcasters' maximum magic points. Dungeon Exploration When the party nears a dungeon, you will be asked if you want to enter, Answer Y or N. If you enter, you will be asked to turn your disk over, so the dungeon program can be loaded into the computer (not necessary on the ST). Once loaded, the program will ask you if you want to leave. Answer Y or N. When the party enters the dungeon, the wilderness map is replaced by the dungeon map, which is revealed as the party passes through each area. The command line has a new option : Look at a larger area. LOOK lets you 'see' a larger area than you could otherwise. Some rooms, though, may be even larger than the area you can see with this command. LISTEN skills are automatically employed by party members when they approach a door. If they hear monsters, a message is shown, and you have the option of turning back. PICK LOCK, FIND ITEM, SPOT TRAP are also automatically attempted at the appropriate times. Success depends upon the party members' skill levels for these tasks. DISARM TRAP is an option available when traps are spotted. If you want the trap disarmed, you will be asked who will do it. Select the appropriate character (usually a thief who has good disarm- trap skills). LEAVING THE DUNGEON is done through the same door used when the party entered. On leaving, you will be asked if you want to save its current status. PLAYING HINT : When you enter a dungeon for the second time, the monsters may be prepared for you - new locks installed and new monsters recruited. There is a limit, however, to what can be done with short notice; if you return soon after you left, the monsters you killed might still be dead. ENCOUNTERS Your party will inevitably encounter monsters, whether in the wilderness or a dungeon. While they may not be hostile, they will never be helpful. The risk is high - death to the unprepared and inexperienced. Melee When the party and the monsters come face to face, a message will flash on the screen : AN ENCOUNTER. Next, you will see a display. The top of the screen lists the party members, how many strikes each character can get into a single attack, each person's magic status, hit-point status, and general health. The middle section lists the monsters and how many are in each rank or row. Rank 1 is the row closest to the party members, and most attacks will only be on these monsters. The bottom section of the screen lists the options for the party as a whole : - Fight the monsters - Accept the monsters' surrender - Greet the monsters - Beg mercy from the monsters - Run away FIGHT starts combat between party members and the monsters. ACCEPT SURRENDER (if the monsters do surrender) allows you to take the monsters gold and items. GREETINGS (if they are accepted by the monsters) allows the party to pass unharmed without combat. BEG FOR MERCY lets the party surrender its gold and some newfound items, then go free. FLEE (if successful) allows the party to avoid combat. If unsuccessful, the monsters get a 'free' attack on the party. Combat takes place in melee rounds. In a single round, each party member will have individual options : - Thrust with weapon - Attack with weapon - Slash with weapon - Lunge with weapon - Cast combat spell - Parry with shield - Redo options ATTACK means taking two normal swings at a nearby monster (in Rank 1). THRUST means taking one hard, solid swing, which is more likely to hit and does 1 to 2 more points of damage than an attack. SLASH means taking 3 or 4 quick swings, each of which is less likely to hit than an attack, and does 1 to 2 points less damage. LUNGE allows fighters to take one swing at a monster in Rank 2. CAST prompts you for the spell number you want. PARRY is a defensive move, where the character uses a shield. REDO lets you give a new command to a party member. You are given this option again, when all party members have been assigned a move. PLAYING HINT : The best strategy is to thrust or lunge at monsters who are hard to hit, and attack or slash at those who are easily hit. Due to their stealth, thieves can attack, thrust or slash at monsters in any rank. You will see each melee round enacted on the left section of the screen, with each action recorded. At the end of melee, you will make your choices for the party members' next melee round. The action continues until the monsters are all dead, have run away, or surrendered - or until the party has begged for mercy,fled or been killed. EXPERIENCE POINTS AND GOLD are displayed at the end of combat - the number of experience points earned from the encounter and any gold retrieved form the monsters. These will be divided among individual party members when they enter a town. TREASURE might be found, if the monsters had any and if a party member has good find-item skills for locating them in dungeons. (Monsters defeated in the wilderness and who surrender in the dungeons automatically give away their treasure). You will be asked if you want to keep the treasure item (see TREASURES section). Items can be distributed and used when you enter a town. The party can carry up to 90 items they find while exploring (again, as far as I can remember, the ST version allows an unlimited number of items - Sewer Rat!). NIGHT ENCOUNTERS periodically occur in the wilderness. At that time, whoever is on watch will hopefully hear the monsters and awaken the other party members. Otherwise, party members will wake up in the middle of combat. A priest or high-level ranger can speed up the process by casting an Awaken spell (see MAGIC section). Mortality and Hit Points Each time a monster hits a character or other damage is sustained, the hit points will go down. When they reach 0, the character is dead (although he or she might be brought back to life by a high-level wizard using a RESURRECT spell). Hit points can be restored by taking a HEALING POTION (see TREASURES section), a HEALING spell cast by a priest or ranger (see MAGIC section), or by resting in an inn. Depending on the amount of damage the adventurer has taken, a combination of methods might be necessary to restore full health. The maximum number of hit points allowed depends on the character's constitution, class, and experience level. The chart below shows averages for each profession by level. Hit Points by Class and Level for Adventurers with 10 Constitution LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fighter 10 20 32 44 56 70 82 94 106 120 130 140 150 160 170 Ranger 8 18 28 40 50 60 72 84 96 110 120 130 140 150 160 Priest 8 12 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 98 106 114 122 130 Monk 8 10 18 22 32 44 54 62 70 80 88 96 104 112 120 Thief 6 10 18 22 32 40 48 54 60 70 78 86 94 102 110 Wizard 6 8 12 16 22 28 34 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 MONSTERS The Isle of Gelnor has its share of monsters - 80 different types, all willing and able to do battle with adventurers. Each type of monster has its own unique personality and set of attributes. These include how many are likely to appear at one time, attack and defense skills, amount of damage that can be inflicted on victims, experience points and levels, magic power, hit points, size, 'niceness' and amount of gold and treasure carried. Some of these monsters will not have good attack skills but will defend very well, come in large packs, and be able to inflict much damage with the few attacks they accomplish. Others will have great attack skills but poor defense skills, yet the damage done to the victim by each hit will be low. High-level monsters, of course, will have good attack and defense skills, lots of magic to throw at adventurers, and enough hit points to fend off adventurers for many melee rounds. First time adventurers may take comfort; easily conquered monsters are around. Skeletons, giant ants, and giant bees, for example, have medium attack skills (45% to 50%), inflict damage on their victims of 1 to 7 points, and only have a few hit points. Attack these monsters with alacrity. On the other hand, low-level adventurers might want to avoid the vipers. These 10-foot snakes are quite agile, making their attacks successful 80% of the time. Their thick skins give them 20 hit points, and their treacherous fangs can inflict from 1 to 14 points of damage. Magic users appear harmless, since their scrawny bodies afford them a mere 7 hit points and their attack skills are only 50%. Beware, however. Their magic is strong; and if they get off one or two combat spells, your party could be depleted of several members. As you explore more and more of Gelnor with stronger and stronger parties of adventurers, you will encounter monsters of increasing strength and power. Some have hit points in the hundreds, attack skills of 100% or more, and extremely high defense skills. Needless to state, one does not wrangle with Black Knights, gods, or other high-level beings carelessly. Be warned! MAGIC Magic is an integral part of the PHANTASIE experience, and it is especially useful in fighting monsters. The dexterous use of hand-to-hand combat and offensive combat spells may be the only way to defeat the foe. When spells are conjured and cast, they use up the spellcaster's magic points. Spells can cost from 1 to 4 magic points for each use, depending upon the spell. Magic points can be restored by drinking MAGIC potions and resting at inns. Spell Descriptions COMBAT SPELLS can only be used during encounters with monsters. They last only for the duration of combat. There are two types of combat spells : - Passive magic always works and, whenever possible, counteracts any previously cast spells. For example, if an evil wizard throws a WEAKNESS 4 spell at the party, a STRENGTH 3 spell will cancel it. If na additional STRENGTH spell of any kind is cast, it will cancel the STRENGTH 3 spell. - Active magic's effectiveness depends upon the spellcaster's magic power and experience level, as well as the strength of the target. Active spells may have a cumulative effect. A second FEAR speel, for example, can cause the victim to be even more afraid (but a second SLEEP spell will not deepen a trance). NON-COMBAT SPELLS are used when no monsters are being encountered. There are three types : - Town spells can only be cast in one of Gelnor's towns. - Wilderness magic must be worked in the wilderness. - Dungeon spells can be cast in dungeons. EVERYWHERE SPELLS can be cast at any time and in any place - in combat or non-combat situations, and in town, dungeons, or in the wilderness. The following spells are available Spell Magic Name Type # Pts 1 1 HEALING 1 E 2 2 HEALING 2 E 3 3 HEALING 3 E 4 4 HEALING 4 E 5 1 FIREFLASH 1 C/A 6 2 FIREFLASH 2 C/A 7 3 FIREFLASH 3 C/A 8 4 FIREFLASH 4 C/A 9 1 QUICKNESS 1 C/P 10 2 QUICKNESS 2 C/P 11 3 QUICKNESS 3 C/P 12 4 QUICKNESS 4 C/P 13 1 STRENGTH 1 C/P 14 2 STRENGTH 2 C/P 15 3 STRENGTH 3 C/P 16 4 STRENGTH 4 C/P 17 1 PROTECTION 1 C/P 18 2 PROTECTION 2 C/P 19 3 PROTECTION 3 C/P 20 4 PROTECTION 4 C/P 21 1 CONFUSION 1 C/A 22 2 CONFUSION 2 C/A 23 3 CONFUSION 3 C/A 24 4 CONFUSION 4 C/A 25 1 WEAKNESS 1 C/A 26 2 WEAKNESS 2 C/A 27 3 WEAKNESS 3 C/A 28 4 WEAKNESS 4 C/A 29 1 BINDING 1 C/A 30 2 BINDING 2 C/A 31 3 BINDING 3 C/A 32 4 BINDING 4 C/A 33 1 MINDBLAST 1 C/A 34 2 MINDBLAST 2 C/A 35 3 MINDBLAST 3 C/A 36 4 MINDBLAST 4 C/A 37 1 FLAMEBOLT 1 C/A 38 2 FLAMEBOLT 2 C/A 39 3 FLAMEBOLT 3 C/A 40 4 FLAMEBOLT 4 C/A 41 1 CHARM C/A 42 2 SLEEP C/A 43 3 TELEPORTATION C/A 44 4 RESURRECTION E 45 1 NINJA 2 C/P 46 2 FEAR C/A 47 3 DISSOLVE C/A 48 4 SUMMON ELEMENTAL C/P 49 1 DISPELL UNDEAD C/A 50 2 NINJA 1 C/P 51 3 AWAKEN C/A 52 4 MONSTER EVALUATION N/WD 53 1 VISION N/W 54 2 TRANSPORTATION N/T Spell types are as follows : - E = Everywhere - C/P = Combat/passive (not cumulative) - C/A = Combat/active (cumulative) - N/WD = Non-combat, wilderness or dungeon only - N/W = Non-combat, wilderness only - N/T = Non-combat, town only Description of Spells (in alphabetical order) : AWAKEN (#51) rouses all sleeping party members or neutralizes a Sleep spell. BINDING (#29-#32) inhibits the movement of opponents, so those affected are easier to hit. These spells are progressive, so Binding 3 is more powerful than Binding 2 and Binding 1 combined. They are particularly effective against flying creatures and monsters that are difficult to hit. CHARM (#41) makes monsters so friendly, the forget they are in combat. CONFUSION (#21-#24) makes it difficult for monsters to use their magic. The spells are progressive, so Confusion 3 is more powerful than Confusion 2 and Confusion 1 combined. Confusion 4 is so effective that its victims will be completely unable to do any spellcasting. DISPELL UNDEAD (#49) affects skeletons, zombies, ghosts, and other creatures who have returned from the grave. They may flee or simply dissolve. DISSOLVE (#47) causes monsters to slowly dissolve away into nothing. FEAR (#46) frightens the monsters into running away in terror. FIREFLASH (#5-#8) shoots a powerful blast of flame at one monster close to the spellcaster, causing the following damage : Fireflash 1 - 1-10 points of damage Fireflash 2 - 1-30 points of damage Fireflash 3 - 1-60 points of damage Fireflash 4 - 1-100 points of damage FLAMEBOLT (#37-#40) delivers one bolt of magical flame at each monster and does damage to its hit points (although some of the effect is absorbed by its armor). Flamebolt 1 - 1-7 points damage Flamebolt 2 - 1-15 points damage Flamebolt 3 - 1-31 points damage Flamebolt 4 - 1-66 points damage HEALING (#1-#4) restores hit points to one party member : Healing 1 - 1-9 hit points Healing 2 - 1-27 hit points Healing 3 - 1-57 hit points Healing 4 - 1-99 hit points MINDBLAST (#33-#36) transmits a powerful blast of psychic energy to the monsters and causes damage to their hit points : Mindblast 1 - 1-5 points damage Mindblast 2 - 1-11 points damage Mindblast 3 - 1-41 points damage Mindblast 4 - 1-81 points damage MONSTER EVALUATION (#52) determines the approximate experience level of nearby monsters. Although it occasionally yields inaccurate results, it is a good spell to cast immediately upon entering a dungeon and at regular intervals in the wilderness. NINJA (#45 & #50) transforms the spellcaster into a fighter of superhuman ability. Although Ninja 1 costs more magic points, it is not as powerful as Ninja 2. PROTECTION (#17-#20) increases the effectiveness of each party member's armor by putting a magic aura around it : Protection 1 - +1 point Protection 2 - +3 points Protection 3 - +6 points Protection 4 - +10 points QUICKNESS (#9-#12) makes all party members move faster, so they can swing more times during an attack : Quickness 1 - 10% increase Quickness 2 - 25% increase Quickness 3 - 45% increase Quickness 4 - 70% increase RESURRECTION (#44) attempts to raise one party member from death. The shock of dying, however, will permanently lower the constitution of the victim by one or two points. SLEEP (#42) causes the opponents to fall into a daze, and they cannot attack, parry, or cast spells. STRENGTH (#13-#16) makes the party members stronger, increasing the amount of damage opponents take when they get hit : Strength 1 - 1-2 extra points of damage Strength 2 - 1-4 extra points of damage Strength 3 - 1-7 extra points of damage Strength 4 - 1-11 extra points of damage SUMMON ELEMENTAL (#48) calls up Earth, Fire or Water (one spell summons one elemental) to fight for the party. The elemental will only serve a party of six adventurers. What's more, elementals must be added to your party while you are at the adventurer's Guild on one of the towns. TELEPORTATION (#43) teleports the party safely away from combat. TRANSPORTATION (#54) inter-dimensionally transports the party from one town to another. VISION (#53) gives the spellcaster the ability to see in all directions for hundreds of miles. It is particularly useful for mapping vast unknown areas. WEAKNESS (#25-#28) causes monsters to lose strength so they do less damage when they hit party members. The strength of the spell depends on how powerful the monsters are and which spell was used (1,2,3, or 4). DIVINE SPELLS (#58+) may only be acquired in the course of the game for special purposes. Spells by Class and Level Each class of adventurer can learn spells, though for some classes, a high level of experience is required. The following chart shows which spells (designated by their number) are available to be learned at which level, arranged by class. Although spells may be available for learning, how many spells a character can actually learn depends on his or her intelligence, as well as class and level. Spells Available at Different Levels by Class LEVEL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Wizard 05 13 06 07 21 25 08 34 11 35 15 36 12 16 47 09 41 10 14 54 33 37 45 38 -- 39 48 -- 40 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 46 51 -- -- -- -- -- -- --